"I don't believe people are looking for the meaning of life
as much as they are looking for the experience of being alive."
- Joseph Campbell
Browse our workshop offerings and discover
what makes you feel alive!
(Click Course Title for details)
Mitten Strings for God - Facilitator Needed!!!
Magical Journey: An Apprenticeship in Contentment - Michelle Cayer
Untangled - Michelle Cayer
Creative Coloring - Michelle Cayer
Crocheting - Denise Patts
Needle Felting 101 - Michelle Cayer
Knitting for Meditation
Organize your day, week year
The Magical Art of Tidying by Maria Kondo
Mitten Strings for God by Katrina Kennison
The Whole Brain Child
Executive Functioning Skills for Pre-School
Inspire Kids Yoga
Cohesive Family Climate - Chores
Cohesive Family Climate - Schedules
Cohesive Family Climate - A Place for Everything
Positive Discipline - Gretchen Spratt
Mothering & Daughtering (Omega)
5 Kinds of Love
Couples Massage
Grief Workshop
ED Group
Dharma Code Writing - Paulette Gloria Harwood
Discovering Your Soul Signature: A 33 Day Path To Discovering Purpose,
Passion & Joy - Ann Finnie
Journaling & Meditation Workshop - Mary Pillsbury
Sankalpa - Paulette Gloria Harwood
The Artist's Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity - Ann Finnie
Visiualize & Manifest the Life you Choose - Vision Board Workshop -
Michelle Cayer
You're Not Crazy, You're Just Waking Up! - Ann Finnie
Dream Journaling
Discovering our Positive Past Life Links
What are you Hungry for by Deepak Chopra
A Path to Self Love
Healing the Inner Child
Finding your Inner Child
Vision Boards
Brene Brown
Family Constellations (Ophelia)
Shifting to Our Higher Self
Nutrition Class
5 Star Ki Transformational Seasonal Eating - Paulette Gloria Harwood - Dates TBD
Introduction to Astrology - Jill Jardine
What's your Dosha? An intro to Ayurveda - Michelle Cayer
Belly Book/Reading to the Womb - Susan Stonis & Jaquie Boyle
B-I-N-G-O - Michelle Cayer & Johanna Quinlan
Movie Night - Michelle Cayer
Mother/Daughter Night
Chalk Lettering Workshop
Bullet Journaling
Prayer Shawl Ministry - Denise Patts
Volunteer Trip to Haiti - Michelle Cayer & Taylor Frederick
Clean out Jen's Garage - Soul Sisters
A Fundraiser for Charlene - Soul Sisters
Shoveling Out - Michelle Cayer & David Frederick
Intro to Guided Meditation - Karen Paolino Correia
Intro to Guided Meditation (Manual by Michelle)
Guided Meditation
Meditation in the Boardroom - Facilitators Needed!!!
Understanding our Chakras - Denise Patts
Chakra Meditation - Ann Finnie
Kundalini Chakra Practices for Prosperity - Jill Jardine
Sanskrit Mantra Chanting Circle & Community - Jill Jardine
Mala Making Workshop - Michelle Cayer (Special Guest - Jill Jardine)
Introduction to Crystals
Moving Meditaion - Bev
Therapy Yoga
Sonic Healing: Sound Singing & Silence - Kaile Dutton
Mala Making Workshop
Heal Your Heart/Self Love Jewelry Making
Create Abundance Jewelry Making
Keep Calm & Carry On Jewelry Making
Create a Family Keepsake
Christmas in NYC
Meet Your Guardian Angels - Karen Paolino Correia
How to Channel Messages from Jesus
Writing to Our Angels
The Law of Attraction
Manifesting 101
Shift Happens
The Busy Spiritualist
Menopause for Dummies - FACILITATOR NEEDED!! - Dates TBD
Movie Night - Michelle Cayer - Dates TBD
The Vibe Tribe - Judi Johnson, Kerry McCarthy & Paulette Harwood
Finding Strength in Stress - Michelle Cayer
Dream Catcher Workshop
Vision Board Workshop
Mindup Grades 6-8
Mindup Grades k-2nd
Mala Bracelet Workshop
Compassionate Listening
Teens Untangled
Empower Teens